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Some natural strategies have been proven to reduce the risk of having a heart attack. Up the chances of a better health with these strategies worth trying now:
A "heart healthy" diet. Studies show a diet composed of foods rich in soluble fiber, omega-3 fatty acids, and soy reduces bad cholesterol levels and inflammation of the arteries. Supplement this diet with the right amounts of vitamin E, vitamin C, beta-carotene and magnesium. Get those nutrients from foods such as carrot, broccoli, and fatty fish such as salmon.
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Stress management. "The connection between stress and heart disease is significant," says Dr. Rose Kumar, medical director of the Ommani Center for Integrative Medicine. Excessive worrying and stress can cause spasms in the arteries, creating room for plaque into which bad cholesterol may enter. Practicing yoga can boost moods and reduce stress, and so can meditation. Another mind and body exercise called qigong involves breathing and movement techniques that promote better circulation.
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Positivity. Simply maintaining a positive outlook in dealing with stressful situations can lower blood pressure levels, a study reported in reveals. The technique, called positive emotion refocusing, significantly lowered the blood pressure level of all the study participants. The result is that 12 percent of them even reduced their drug intake. Doing it is no rocket science. Just conjure a positive feeling like love for your loved ones as soon as anxiety sets in.
A cardiologist and thrice-published author and co-author, Dr. Steven Farber advocates an alternative, cost-effective approach to preventing and overcoming deadly illnesses such as heart disease. Visit this site to learn how to achieve better heart health.